Monday, 3 May 2010

Not updated for a while

Sorry, I have not updated the blog lately.  But then,  I've not done a great deal at the allotment either.  I wish I'd done a bit of weeding though!!!

The weeds have really come out in force over the last week.  I've got the big ones out,  but I'm not too fussed about the little ones - they can stay as long as they don't grow too big!

I've built two cloches from water pipe and fleece and planted my cabbages and brussels sprouts in them.

I have also planted one row of King Edward potatoes.

It is nice to see some things growing well.  Especially the garlic and onions and the redcurrants.

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Spuds and Peas

I've been to the plot today and built a bean frame from bamboo canes. I planted some baby mange tout plants and sowed some peas.

I have planted my 1st early and 2nd early potatoes.

Westland chicken poo was on a buy-one-get-one-free offer at The Range, so I bought four 3kg boxes.  I have scattered two boxes around the plot and have saved two for later.

The rain came down like stair-rods for a while so I sheltered in the shed and made a curtain for the window from weed suppressant fabric and twine. I have left it open for the time being as my maincrop spuds are still chitting.

Monday, 29 March 2010

Signs of Life!

A quick update after a brief visit to the plot this afternoon.

My rhubarb is coming along quite nicely, some of the garlic has sprouted and the plum tree and raspberry and redcurrant bushes have buds on them now.

At home, the cabbages and sprouts are growing and some of the leeks have sprouted.

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Test Results.

I took three soil samples from my plot this morning (one from each main bed) and tested each for:
  • Acidity (pH)
  • Nitrogen (N)
  • Phosphorus (P)
  • Potassium (K)
Acidity, phosphorus and potassium levels are all acceptable.  Nitrogen levels were low in all three samples so I will fertilise the soil with some chicken manure.

Elephant Garlic Planted

I planted a row of elephant garlic this morning. The cloves are huge. I can't wait to see what the bulbs are like!

I also took some soil samples home with me for testing. I'll carry out the tests and put the results up here.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Onions In

I spent a couple of hours at the allotment this morning and planted my onions and garlic.

I know that it's too late for garlic - but better late than never!

I have a row of Solent White garlic and a row of Cristo garlic.

I have two rows of Stuttgarter Giant onions, one row of F1 Centurion onions and a row of Red Baron onions.

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Finally Got Some Rotavation!

Me and Dan hired a rotavator this morning and went straight to the plot.

After a couple of hours of rotavating, raking, sweeping and hoeing the plot was transformed.

There were hardly any roots in the ground and any I did find were well and truly dead. Thanks Round-Up!

I bought some more seed potatoes and have got them chitting in the shed. I bought 20 King Edwards and 10 Maris Peer.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Chitting & Sowing

I have finally started my potatoes chitting toady. I have ten Duke of York as my firat early, ten Bonnie as my second early and 30 Cara as my maincrop. Now I've placed them out for chitting, I'm not sure I've got enough.

I have also sown my leeks, cabbages and brussels in seed trays and left them to germinate at home.

Friday, 15 January 2010

The Snow Has Melted & The Weeds Are Gone!

I've not been able to much at the allotment over the last week or two due the snow.

Well, it's all melted away now, so I decided to pop down the plot and see whether the weed-killer had done it's job.

It had! There are still a few tough weeds still alive, but I'll blast them over the weekend.

When the temperature has risen and the ground is a bit softer I'll run it over with a rotavator.

Friday, 1 January 2010

Happy New Year!

I spent about three hours at the allotment today.

I lifted the weed suppressant fabric. There are still a few weeds there, but they are generally looking very weak. I blasted them all with a good dose of "Roundup" weed-killer.

I'll allow a week or two for it to work its magic and then decide whether to crack on with digging or to give it another dose.